Elms Places at Just Write Regionals

Just Write celebrates remarkable achievements as its Varsity and Junior Varsity teams shine at the regional competition held at Sylvania Southview High School.

Among the standout performances, Victoria Martin demonstrated exceptional skill, clinching the 15th position and securing a coveted spot in the state finals. Adding to the triumph, Maggie Myers showcased her prowess by clinching 4th place, earning herself a well-deserved entry into the state finals. Furthermore, Maggie's talent shone brightly as she claimed the prestigious Poet Laureate Prize for her outstanding poem.

The collective efforts of the Just Write teams yielded resounding success, with their combined points earning them a remarkable third place team award in the Grand Champion sweeps category. This achievement underscores the dedication and talent embodied by each member of the Just Write community.

As the anticipation builds, Just Write eagerly awaits further announcements regarding additional state qualifiers, confident in the continued success of its talented writers.

Amber Hejl